Registered Charity No 1075342
Please use the navigation buttons above or the Site Search box alongside to find
the information you require
- Meeting Points is the name given to the Monthly Meeting held for all members of Purbeck
U3A. New members are especially welcome - just let us know at the door that it’s
your first visit and we’ll help with introductions. Non-members are also welcomed
(at a small additional charge).
- Meeting Points takes place on the morning of the fourth Thursday in the month (except
July, August and December). It lasts two hours and starts at 10am.
- Meetings are held at Harman’s Cross Village Hall, close by the steam railway station,
and there is plenty of car parking space - free by the Hall and in the Parish Council
car park opposite (Purbeck U3A pays for this). A visit by bus is within the realms
of time-tabling possibilities too!
- Meet friends old and new, from groups old and new, for a chat over refreshments,
and talk with committee members.
- Find out what is going on in Purbeck U3A - the new groups starting up (be amongst
the first to join); what happens in groups you don’t attend; what’s going on in committee;
what help is needed, where, when and by whom.
- Ask for information: for new members; for your group; for a new activity; a topic
for a future meeting or suggest a speaker.
- Listen to and enjoy a variety of speakers and events: widen your experience: stretch
your mind.
- Leave Meeting Points with new friends and new ideas!
For information about Meeting Points, feedback, or if you have any ideas for future
meetings and/or speakers, please contact the Meeting Points Organiser by email at:
Dale Johnson with his 1933 Austin 7
for his Home Guard talk
- November 2016 -
To hear a Presentation on Wills, Powers of Attorney,
Inheritance Tax and Choice of Executors please Click HERE
To see and hear a selection of past
Meeting Points Presentations Click HERE
This website is © Copyright Purbeck U3A
Meeting Points Organiser
and John Hale (Website
Content may only be used by prior permission
Site updated: 28 July 2022
Click image above to see
our Feb 2022 Presentation
Meeting Points is a monthly meeting for all members of Purbeck U3A,
with a special
welcome for those who have recently joined.
Meetings are on the fourth Thursday of the month starting at 10.00 am
The Morning Timetable …
10.00 - Refreshments and chat. Meet friends old and new
10.20 - U3A Matters:
Information exchange: Committee news; Group news; Ideas; Help wanted; Have your say
10.30 - Presentation Talk or Event
12.00 - Departure
The Meeting Points Morning Programme
Kindly note that from September 2022 Meeting Points will be under new management and this website (and Presentation Tech Support in the Hall) will no longer be supplied by John Hale.
This site will be frozen for reference purposes from that date.
Meeting Points website 2012 to 2022
For a log of past Meeting Points Presentations Click HERE